Geometric decoration with white slip

Making slipware with a geometric decoration with white slip (or more simply “geometric slipware”) involved pouring white (or black-brown) slip into a bowl already coated with a fairly dry red slip or one without any slip and then rocking it from side to side to create a star-shaped pattern. Green or, more rarely, yellow glaze was then applied. The technique was widely used in various regions of the German-speaking part of Switzerland and Liechtenstein from the second half of the 16th to the 18th centuries. One of the westernmost find spots for this type of decoration is the pottery assemblage from a shipwreck at Hauterive in Lake Neuchâtel (see Laténium).

Translation Sandy Haemmerle

German: Geschwenkter Engobedekor

French: Décor géométrique à la barbotine (blanche)


Heege 2016
Andreas Heege, Die Ausgrabungen auf dem Kirchhügel von Bendern, Gemeinde Gamprin, Fürstentum Liechtenstein. Bd. 2: Geschirrkeramik 12. bis 20. Jahrhundert, Vaduz 2016, bes. 85 und 139