The glossary is not intended to be exhaustive. More texts are being added and translated on an ongoing basis. For a list of the references cited in the glossary go to References
- Air-brushed decoration
- Applied decoration (sprig-moulded or sprigged decoration)
- Ash (wood ash/plant ash)
- Ash glaze
- Basket weave
- Beaded decoration
- Biscuit firing
- Bisque
- Bone china
- Brühl’sches Allerlei – Meissen porcelain factory, 1743-1747
- Brushed decoration (selective removal of glaze)
- Brushwork decoration, painted decoration
- Bunzlau-type brown-glazed ware
- Burnishing
- Cameo-type sgraffito decoration
- Ceramics, pottery
- Chattered decoration
- Chip carving
- Chrutmuster – herbal or plant pattern
- Clay
- Co. (Company)
- Combed decoration
- Compass-defined decoration
- Cookware
- Craquelure, crackle[d] glaze
- Creamware
- Decals (waterslide ceramic decals, lithographic overglaze printing)
- Decoration
- Decoration with low-temperature colours
- Dendritic decoration
- Dimpled decoration
- Double-slipped ware, double-slipping
- Drawing classes (Heimberg-Steffisburg, Langnau, Canton of Bern)
- Geometric decoration with white slip
- Gilding/burnish gold with incised patterns
- Glaze
- Glaze crusher
- Glost firing
- Glost firing (or grand feu)
- Greenware
- Imari style
- Impressed decoration
- In-glaze painted decoration
- Incised decoration (sgraffito)
- Incised decoration made with a forklike tool
- Ironstone china
- Majolica
- Manganese glaze
- Marbled decoration
- Marks, pottery marks
- Mottos
- Mould
- Moulded decoration in relief
- Oil-painted decoration
- Openwork decoration
- Overglaze lithographic printed decoration (waterslide ceramic decals)
- Overglaze painted decoration
- Painting
- Partial slip coating
- Patrix, male mould
- Pattern books
- Photolithographic printed decoration, overglaze
- PLC (public limited company)
- Porcelain
- Potter’s rib
- Potters’ marks, stamped/impressed
- Pottery kiln
- Pottery paintress (hand paintress, freehand paintress)
- Pouncer, pounce pot
- Poured slip decoration
- Refined (white) earthenware
- Refined stoneware (jasper ware, basalte, industrial red ware)
- Rocker-stamped decoration
- Roulette
- Rouletted decoration
- Rubber-stamped decoration
- Saggar, sagger
- Salt glaze
- Slip
- Slip (clay mixed with water to form a slurry)
- Slip (coat of slip)
- Slip (for slip-trailing, painting)
- Slip coating
- Slip-trailed decoration
- Slip-trailer, slip-cup
- Soft-paste porcelain
- Speckled decoration (iron manganese particles in the slip)
- Splashed decoration
- Sponged decoration
- Sprigs
- Stamped decoration
- Stencilled decoration
- Stoneware
Complete list
- Air-brushed decoration
- Applied decoration (sprig-moulded or sprigged decoration)
- Ash (wood ash/plant ash)
- Ash glaze
- Basket weave
- Beaded decoration
- Biscuit firing
- Bisque
- Bone china
- Brühl’sches Allerlei – Meissen porcelain factory, 1743-1747
- Brushed decoration (selective removal of glaze)
- Brushwork decoration, painted decoration
- Bunzlau-type brown-glazed ware
- Burnishing
- Cameo-type sgraffito decoration
- Ceramics, pottery
- Chattered decoration
- Chip carving
- Chrutmuster – herbal or plant pattern
- Clay
- Co. (Company)
- Combed decoration
- Compass-defined decoration
- Cookware
- Craquelure, crackle[d] glaze
- Creamware
- Decals (waterslide ceramic decals, lithographic overglaze printing)
- Decoration
- Decoration with low-temperature colours
- Dendritic decoration
- Dimpled decoration
- Double-slipped ware, double-slipping
- Drawing classes (Heimberg-Steffisburg, Langnau, Canton of Bern)
- Earthenware
- Eggshell china
- Encrusted ware
- Engine-turned decoration
- Faience
- Famille rose
- Famille verte
- Feldspathic glaze
- Flashing
- Flowing glaze decoration
- Geometric decoration with white slip
- Gilding/burnish gold with incised patterns
- Glaze
- Glaze crusher
- Glost firing
- Glost firing (or grand feu)
- Greenware
- Hard-paste porcelain
- Horizontal bands
- Imari style
- Impressed decoration
- In-glaze painted decoration
- Incised decoration (sgraffito)
- Incised decoration made with a forklike tool
- Ironstone china
- Journeymen in the Canton of Bern (from other parts of Switzerland or from abroad)
- Kiln furniture
- Ladle for glazing
- Lead glaze
- Lithophanie
- Lustre, lustreware
- Majolica
- Manganese glaze
- Marbled decoration
- Marks, pottery marks
- Mottos
- Mould
- Moulded decoration in relief
- Oil-painted decoration
- Openwork decoration
- Overglaze lithographic printed decoration (waterslide ceramic decals)
- Overglaze painted decoration
- Painting
- Partial slip coating
- Patrix, male mould
- Pattern books
- Photolithographic printed decoration, overglaze
- PLC (public limited company)
- Porcelain
- Potter’s rib
- Potters’ marks, stamped/impressed
- Pottery kiln
- Pottery paintress (hand paintress, freehand paintress)
- Pouncer, pounce pot
- Poured slip decoration
- Refined (white) earthenware
- Refined stoneware (jasper ware, basalte, industrial red ware)
- Rocker-stamped decoration
- Roulette
- Rouletted decoration
- Rubber-stamped decoration
- Saggar, sagger
- Salt glaze
- Slip
- Slip (clay mixed with water to form a slurry)
- Slip (coat of slip)
- Slip (for slip-trailing, painting)
- Slip coating
- Slip-trailed decoration
- Slip-trailer, slip-cup
- Soft-paste porcelain
- Speckled decoration (iron manganese particles in the slip)
- Splashed decoration
- Sponged decoration
- Sprigs
- Stamped decoration
- Stencilled decoration
- Stoneware
- Template (pounced decoration)
- Terre de pipe
- Thin-glazed faience
- Third firing (petit feu)
- Thun majolica, Heimberg-Steffisburg region, Canton of Bern (c. 1870 – 1914)
- Tiled stove – stove tiles
- Tobikanna
- Transfer-printed decoration
- Trimming tool
- Underglaze brushwork decoration
Publications on ceramic terminology and typology as well as works with glossaries of technical terms pertaining to pottery
Mämpel 1985
Uwe Mämpel, Keramik. Von der Handform zum Industrieguss, Hamburg 1985.
Kunow/Giesler/Gechter u.a. 1986
Jürgen Kunow, Jürgen Giesler, Marianne Gechter u.a., Vorschläge zur systematischen Beschreibung von Keramik – Suggestions for the systematic recording of pottery – Propositions pour une description systematique des céramiques (Kunst und Altertum am Rhein. Führer des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Bonn 124), Köln 1986.
Bauer/Endres/Kerkhoff-Hader u.a. 1986
Ingolf Bauer/Werner Endres/Bärbel Kerkhoff-Hader u.a., Leitfaden zur Keramikbeschreibung (Mittelalter-Neuzeit). Terminologie-Typologie-Technologie (Kataloge der prähistorischen Staatssammlung Beiheft 2), Kallmünz 1986.
Endres 1996
Werner Endres, Gefässe und Formen. Eine Typologie für Museen und Sammlungen (Museums-Bausteine 3), München 1996.
Medieval Pottery Research Group 1998
A guide to the classification of Medieval ceramic forms (Medieval Pottery Research Group, Occasional Paper 1), London 1998.
Blondel 2001
Nicole Blondel, Céramique: vocabulaire technique, Paris 2001.
Heege 2007 (Töpferofen-Glossar)
Andreas Heege, Töpferöfen-Pottery kilns-Fours de potiers. Die Erforschung frühmittelalterlicher bis neuzeitlicher Töpferöfen (6.-20. Jh.) in Belgien, den Niederlanden, Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (Basler Hefte zur Archäologie 4), Basel 2007.
Handbuch 2010
Bundesdenkmalamt Wien Abteilung für Bodendenkmale (Hrsg.), Handbuch zur Terminologie der mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Keramik in Österreich (Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich, Beiheft 9, Nearchos Sonderheft 18, Fundberichte aus Österreich Materialhefte Reihe A, Sonderheft 12 ), Wien 2010.