As of yet, no complete register exists of the marks of Swiss potters and pottery companies. The Verzeichnis Schweizer Keramiksignaturen provides the most up-to-date overview. Click on SWISSCERAMICS for a list of current members of the Swiss Ceramics Association. The image database CERAMICA CH also includes potters’ marks. The best way to find the relevant parallels is by using the filters for the ware (earthenware, porcelain …), limiting the hits by adding the country of origin or an estimated date range and then viewing each of the resulting entries. You can also run a full-text query for “Marke” or “Herstellermarke” or use the “pottery mark” filter to search for certain types of marks (stamped, painted, raised relief …). Information about the types of mark can be found in the glossary. Once you have filtered the full-text query using the “pottery mark” filter, the filter panel “country of manufacture” will show all the countries represented, which will allow you to further narrow down your search. Alternatively you can check the filter panel “place of manufacture” to see the locations listed so far.
Translation Sandy Haemmerle
Links to other lists of marks (selection):
Lucerne pottery, tables of marks
Stein marks (19th/20th centuries)
Printed registers of marks (selection):
Graesse/Jaennicke 1997 Johann Georg Theodor Graesse/Friedrich Jaennicke, Führer für Sammler von Porzellan und Fayence. Umfassendes Verzeichnis der auf älterem und neuerem Porzellan, Fayence, Steinzeug, Steingut usw. befindlichen Marken, München / Berlin, 28. Auflage, 1997.
Tardy 1949 Poteries et faïences françaises, 1ère, 2ème parties et 3ème parties, 3ème édition, Paris 1971.
Tardy 1983 Les poteries-faïences-porcelaines européennes ; caractéristiques et marques, 1ère et 2ème parties, Paris 1983
Zühlsdorff 1994 Dieter Zühlsdorff, Keramik-Marken Lexikon. Porzellan- und Keramik Report 1885-1935 Europa (Festland), Stuttgart 1994 (2. Auflage ).