
An enterprise like ours, which comes into contact with such a variety of cultural worlds, could not exist based purely on the knowledge and skills of a single individual. The undersigned owes a huge debt of gratitude to Peter Ducret and the late Rudolf Schnyder for their excellent advice and invaluable expertise which they so willingly shared with us. As leading experts in the history of ceramic art, they also contributed to the development and design of the concept for the CERAMICA CH project in their role as members of the board of the CERAMICA Foundation. We would also like to remind our readers that the actual idea behind the project came from within the board of the foundation itself and that it would not have been possible to implement it without its generous support. We would like to pay tribute to Dr. Thomas Staehelin as a notable president of an institution which has been characterised by the promotion of the history of Swiss pottery production in an exemplary manner, both here and abroad, for several decades.

Our heartfelt thanks also go to the representatives of the numerous institutions and their members of staff, who gave us access to their collections. They all welcomed us with open arms and extraordinary generosity.

In Canton Graubünden (CERAMICA CH – Online):

Rätisches Museum Chur: Andrea Kauer; Klostermuseum Disentis: Pater Theo Theiler; Museum Regiunal Surselva Ilanz: Ursina Jecklin-Tischhauser; Museo Poschiavino Poschiavo: Daniele Papacella; Museum La Truaisch Sedrun: Tarcisi Hendry; Ortsmuseum Poscht-Chäller St. Antönien: Monika and Jann Flütsch; Museum Engiadinais St. Moritz: Charlotte Schütt; Museum Sursilvan Cuort Ligia Grischa Trun: Justina Simeon-Cathomas; Arcun da Traditiun Vuorz: Guido Dietrich; Ortsmuseum und Bibliothek Bergün: Corina Puorger; Heimatmuseum Prättigau Grüsch: Hansluzi Kessler; Brauchtumsmuseum Schulhaus Buchen: Johann Hesse; Heimatmuseum Davos: Peter Dalbert; Museum Nutli Hüschi Klosters: Barbara Gujan; Museum local Vaz Zorten: Birgit Parpan; Ortsmuseum Schmitten im Alten Schulhaus: Alois Hundertpfund, Pius Gruber; Dorfmuseum Wiesen: Anita Bernhard; Heimatmuseum Gandahus Vals: Peter Loretz, Markus Jörger; Museum Tgea da Schons Zillis: Gion Michael and Gierina Michael; Museum Chesa Planta Samedan: Martina Shuler-Fluor; Museum d’Engiadina Bassa Scuol: Peter Langenegger; Museo Bregaglia Ciäsa Granda Stampa: Bruna Ruinelli; Stiftung Pro Klaustra Son Jon: Patrick Cassitti; Museum Chasa Jaura Valchava: Marco R. Gilly; Heimatmuseum Rheinwald Splügen: Reto Attenhofer; Walserama Nufenen: J.F.Tschopp.

In Canton Neuchâtel (CERAMICA CH, Volume I):

Musée d’art et d’histoire de Neuchâtel: Caroline Junier, former curator of the Département des arts appliqués, Philippe Lüscher, curator of the Département des arts appliqués, Claude-Alain Künzi, former assistant to the curator; Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel: Marc-Olivier Gonseth, former curator, and Bernard Knodel, acting curator; Laténium, Hauterive: Marc-Antoine Kaeser, curator, and Corinne Ramseyer, research associate; Château et Musée de Valangin: Françoise Borel, former curator, Camille Jéquier, curator; Musée d’histoire de La Chaux-de-Fonds: Sylviane Musy, former curator, Francesco Garufo, curator; Musée des beaux arts de La Chaux-de-Fonds: Lada Umstätter, former curator; Musée paysan et artisanal de La Chaux-de-Fonds: Diane Skartsounis, curator; Collections d’arts industriels de l’École d’arts appliqués de La Chaux-de-Fonds: Catherine Corthésy, curator; Musée d’histoire et Moulins souterrains du Locle: Caroline Calame, curator; Musée régional de La Sagne: Laurent Huguenin, curator, and Roger Vuille; Musée régional du Val-de-Travers, Môtiers: Laurence Vaucher, former curator, and Louison Bühlmann, curator.

In Canton Solothurn (Ceramica CH, Volume II):

Museum Blumenstein, Solothurn: Erich Weber, curator, Brigitta Berndt, research associate, and Sandro De Rigo, technician; Keramikmuseum und Maria-Felchlin-Sammlung, Matzendorf: Markus Egli, curator, and Roland Müller, President of the Freunde der Matzendorfer Keramik; Historisches Museum Olten: Peter Kaiser, former curator, and Luisa Bertolaccini, former research associate and now curator; Museum Wasseramt – Turm in Halten: Urs Umbricht, President of the Board; Heimatmuseum Schloss Alt-Falkenstein: Hans Hug, curator; Archäologischer Dienst des Kantons Solothurn: Andrea Nold, project manager; Kultur-Historisches Museum Grenchen: Angela Kummer, curator; Museum BalsThal: Kurt Heutschi, museum director.

In Canton Vaud (Ceramica CH, Volume III):

Château de Nyon (Musée historique et des porcelaines): Vincent Lieber, curator, Blaise Ruffieux, director of collections, and Benoît Boretti, inventory manager; Archives de la Ville de Nyon: Elisabeth Bourban-Mayor, archivist, and her team; Musée cantonal d’archéologie et d’histoire de Lausanne: Lionel Pernet, director, Claire Huguenin, curator of the historical collections, and Georges Keller, head technician; Musée du Léman de Nyon: Lionel Gauthier, curator, and Didier Zuchuat, head of documentation; Château de La Sarraz: Florence Boneru, director, and Tiziana Andreani, curator; Musée historique Lausanne: Laurent Golay, director, and Claude-Alain Künzi, curator applied arts; Musée du Vieux-Moudon: Raymond Bosshard, former curator, Monique Fontannaz, curator; Musée historique de Vevey: Françoise Lambert, curator; Musée d’Yverdon et région: France Terrier, director and curator, and Corinne Sandoz, curator of the archaeological collections; Musée de la vigne, du vin et de l’étiquette, Château d’Aigle: Nicolas Isoz, curator; Musée du Pays-d’Enhaut de Château-d’Œx: Jean-Frédéric Henchoz, curator; Musée de Montreux: Pascale Simond, curator; Musée Alexis Forel de Morges: Yvan Schwab, curator; Musée d’Orbe: Vreni Segessenmann and Walter Balimann, honorary members of the Association des Amis de Pro Urba; Maison Buttin-de-Loës à Grandvaux: Alain Parisod and Bernard Rufi, president and treasurer of the Fondation pour la conservation de la Maison Buttin-de-Loës; Musée du Vieux Baulmes: Raphaël Flück, curator; Centre d’enseignement professionnel de Vevey: Pauline Vanachter, head of the pottery department; mudac, Musée de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains à Lausanne, Marco Costantini, curator, and Valentin Grosjean, assistant curator; Université de Lausanne, Olivier Robert, archivist.

We would like to thank all the experts in Switzerland and abroad, who shared with us their vast knowledge and expertise in the different areas of the history of the pottery that we examined and recorded as part of our project: Fieder Aichele, Stuttgart; Marion van Aken-Fehmers, The Hague; Jean-Claude Alary, president of the Académie de Moustiers; Daniela Ball, Möriken; Jacques and Marie-Alice Bastian, Strasbourg; Federico Bona, Ivrea (I); Christian Bonnin, Béziers; Gilles Bourgarel, Fribourg; Giampiero Buzelli, Archivio di Stato, Genoa; Enrico Caviglia, Maroggia; Monique Crick, former director of the Collections Baur, Geneva; Aileen Dawson, curator, British Museum, London; Émile Decker, curator, Musée de la faïence in Sarreguemines; Bernard Dragesco, Paris; Diana Edwards, Baltimore; Edwin van Drecht, Amsterdam; Hans Dieter Flach, Wenzenbach (D); Christian Gerber, Caux; Miranda Goodby, The Potteries Museum, Stoke-on-Trent; Andreas Heege, Zug; Marion Kalt, Creil; Thomas Krueger, director of the Museum im Schloss Fürstenberg; Sebastian Kuhn, London; Daniela Kumpf, Wiesbaden; Peter Lam, Hongkong; Suzanne Lambooy, project manager at the Gemeentemuseum, The Hague; Johanna Lessmann, Hamburg; Christian Maire, Vincennes; John Mallet, London; Errol Manners, London; Régine de Plinval de Guillebon, Paris; Horst Reber, Frankfurt; René Revert, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges; Jean Rosen, Dijon; Madeleine Ryser, curator, Regionalmuseum Langnau; René Simmermacher, Staufen (D); Filip Suchomel, Prague; Christian Thévenin, director of the Musées de Sarreguemines; John Whitehead, London; Samuel Wittwer, curator of the department of castles and collections of the Stiftung Preussischer Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg.

Special thanks go to Raffaella Ausenda in Milan, who gave us crucial support and shared her vast expertise when we were cataloguing the many Italian faience objects in the Burkhard Reber Collection of Apothecary Jars.

Image processing and colour printing CERAMICA CH I-III: Georg Sidler, Samuel Truttmann, Schwyz.

Translations: Pierre-Yves Tribolet (German-French), Stephanie Tremp (French-German), Sandy Haemmerle (German-English).

Scientific and genealogical contributions: Andreas Kistler.

Roland Blaettler
Project manager CERAMICA CH (March 2010–March 2018)

Andreas Heege
Project manager CERAMICA CH (April 2018 – )