PLC (public limited company)

AG” is the official abbreviation of “Aktiengesellschaft” in Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and in the German-speaking parts of Switzerland and Belgium. It is the equivalent of a public limited company (PLC) in Britain and a stock corporation in America. It is an association based on private law and regulated by company or corporate law. It is a joint stock corporation whose nominal capital consists of tradable shares.

In the French- and Italian-speaking parts of Switzerland, the abbreviation is “S.A.” (Société Anonyme). In a bid to facilitate searching for company names using other search engines, CERAMICA CH does not translate “AG” and “S.A.” into “PLC” in the English version of the website because the abbreviation is part of a company’s name in Switzerland and Germany.

Translation Sandy Haemmerle

German: AG

French: S.A.