Recently published: Eva Roth Heege, Keramikdekore der Neuzeit im Kanton Zug.
Lectures available online:
Andreas Heege: Aktuellste Informationen zur Keramik in der Schweiz 1350-1850
Important references available online:
Due to its excellently preserved medieval substance, Hohenklingen Castle is a jewel in a landscape that is otherwise characterised by thousands of ruins. This was very clearly shown by the latest examinations carried out during its restoration from 2003 to 2007. The results of the investigation were published in a two-volume monograph. The first volume deals with the 800-year history of the castle’s construction and that of its residents, the Barons of Hohenklingen, during the period from 1191 to 1433. The Barons also had residences in Stein am Rhein and were instrumental in the expansion of the small town. These buildings too were excellently preserved and are presented in detail in the book. The second volume deals with the vast array of finds. Tiled stoves bore witness to cold winters and courtly ostentation. The castle cafeteria yielded a rare example of a restaurant inventory from the early days of Swiss tourism. This is a book for all medieval and castle enthusiasts and an indispensable enhancement of and addition to the history of Stein am Rhein, which was published in 2007.
Homberger/Zubler, Medieval and post-medieval pottery from the Schaffhausen region
This work deals with the medieval and post-medieval pottery assemblages from the region of Schaffhausen. The typology devised for and used in the study is presented in detail. The book also includes a computer-assisted seriation, which was used to examine the material from a chronological perspective. New finds and features from important sites in Canton Schaffhausen are presented for the first time. A catalogue of sites contains descriptions of all assemblages used in the seriation, along with those from outside the canton included for the purpose of comparison.
Newly published: Pottery from Switzerland, 1350–1850
Heege/Homberger/Roth Heege et al. 2021 Andreas Heege/Valentin Homberger/Eva Roth Heege et al., Geschirrkeramik in der Schweiz, 1350–1850, in: Archäologie Schweiz, SPM VIII Archäologie der Zeit von 1350 bis 1850 – L’achéologie de la période entre 1350 et 1850 – L’archeologia del periodo tr l’1350 ed il 1850 Basel 2021, 209-257.
Bestellungen – Commandes – Order SPM Die Schweiz vom Paläolithikum bis zum Mittelalter / La Suisse du Paléolithique au Moyen-Âge / La Svizzera dal Paleolitico al Medioevo, Band VIII, Archäologie der Zeit von 1350 bis 1850 / L’archéologie de la période entre 1350 et 1850 / L’archeologia del periodo tra il 1350 ed il 1850. Urs Niffeler (project manager, editor) (2020). 516 Seiten | pages, 212 Abbildungen | illustrations, ISBN: 978-3-908006-49-7 135 CHF, 98 CHF für AS-Mitglieder | pour les membres d’AS | for Members of Swiss Archaeology SPM Mittelalter-Neuzeit kompakt | SPM Moyen Âge et époque moderne compacte | SPM Middle Ages and modern era compact Volumes VI – VIII of SPM provide a comprehensive overview of Swiss medieval archaeology from the Early Middle Ages to 1850. To mark the publication of the latest volume, volumes VI to VIII are now available for CHF 338, or CHF 250 for members of Swiss Archaeology (20% discount). Alle Preise verstehen sich zuzüglich Verpackungs- und Versandkosten. | Frais d’emballage et de livraison en sus. | Plus post and packaging E-Mail | courriel : Website | site web : > Publikationen Post | courrier : Petersgraben 51, 4051 Basel |

A preliminary volume of conference proceedings has been published and is available to download free of charge: Archäologie Schweiz